Вакансия 2nd Engineer on Passenger Vessel
Опубликована: 05.02.2025
Просмотров: 589
Дата посадки на борт:26.04.2025
Длительность рейса:3 months
Тип судна:Passenger Vessel
DWT:2100 dwt / 13000 Grt
Тип основного двигателя:General Electric
Уровень английского:отлично
Опыт работы в должности:обязателен
Опыт работы на том же типе судна:обязателен
Зарплата:from 1 $ per month
Дополнительная информация:
Contract: 3:3 months rotation
Embarkation: 26.04.2025
Type: PASS (Expedition) Vessel
Dwt: 2100 dwt / 13000 Grt
Year: 2020
Engine Model: General Electric
On behalf of one of our luxury expedition clients, we are now recruiting for the following position.
Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch Responsibilities
The Officers in Charge of an Engineering Watch are assigned duties as directed by the Chief Engineer or Staff Chief Engineer.
Responsibilities include:
·Standing a watch as assigned by the Chief Engineer.
·Maintaining evaporator, RO units, fuel and lube oil purifiers.
·Maintaining the boiler and exhaust gas boiler.
·Maintaining of air compressors.
·The operation and maintenance of OWS and bilge pumps.
·Environmental engineer assigned the operation/maintenance of Marinefloc under Staff Chief Engineer’s direction.
·Oil Record Book entries under the guidance of the Staff Chief Engineer and ChiefEngineer’s approval.
·Keeping accurate records of work performed in NS5 and in daily engineworkbook.
·On daily basis execute all scheduled and unscheduled jobs that Staff Chief Engineer (or C/E) engineer assigns to him and reporting them on NS5 and on engineworkbookas required.
·The safe operation of all machinery during watch.
·Also responsible for:
- All safety equipment including lifeboat engine systems
-Water analysis
-Preparation and completion of bunkering procedures
-Reporting consumption of fuel/lubricants/chemicals
·Performing emergency duties as assigned on the Muster List.
Please apply with an updated CV, references and latest appraisal.
Follow the link to apply:
Контактный е-мейл:pax@csm-ua.com