360° Overseas - помощь в прохождении морских инспекций


Морская медкомиссия в Грузии без очереди. Специальные условия для моряков из Украины, РФ и Беларуси
25 лет опыта, сертификаты P&I Club, вакцинация против желтой лихорадки, спец предложения для моряков из других стран:трансфер, поиск жилья, скидки на сертификаты в партнёрских учебных центрах, содействие в трудоустройстве через грузинские крюинговые компании.
Мошенники не дремлют. Будьте внимательны и вы!

Друзья, нам становятся известны случаи мошенничества по отношению к морякам. Поэтому мы решили создать страницу, на которой будем писать подробности мошеннических схем, имена и телефоны.

Кадетам. Подготовка к собеседованию на английском

Требования по разговорному языку к кадету, как правило, гораздо выше, чем, например, к матросу или мотористу. При том, что вы имеете такой же рабочий документ и зарплата у них повыше. Но компания рассматривает кадетов, как потенциальный комсостав для своих судов.

КОНФЛИКТЫ. Почему они происходят и чему ценному могут научить?

Каждый из нас сталкивался, был участником, наблюдателем или зачинщиком конфликта. Что же на самом деле происходит тогда, когда эмоции затмевают здравый смысл, и практически невозможно руководить процессом, который еще секунду назад был вполне себе управляемым?

360° Overseas - помощь в прохождении морских инспекций

Дата публикации: 21.02.2022

Our Company’s activities are focused on the following:
Marine Audits/ Inspections
(ISM, ISPS, MLC, ISO, Real Time Navigation Audit)
Our company has
  • VDR Remote navigational audits  
  • Real Time Cargo Handling Audits -LNG-LPG-Oil Tankers-
  • Real Time Mooring Audit
  • Pre-Vetting Inspections
  • Accident Investigation analysis reports
  • Engine Audits
  • Preparation for any PSC and USCG inspection
  • TMSA preparation/gap analysis,
  • Pre-Purchase Inspections
  • On Board training with specific modules basis to deficiencies raised during the latest audits or any other training need required
  • Ship Shore Compatibility Studies CL ( For LNG-LPG)
  • Optimoor Studies
  • Support / Solutions for any cargo matter related to LNG operation or/and LNG STS operation Pre/Post-docking LNG preparation
  • Decommissioning LNG operation
  • Tailor-made training videos, based on our clients’ standards and requirements.


 We have partners in Panama, Korea and Australia, who can perform the above services efficiently, saving time and money as well as overcoming the obstacles that have arisen from the pandemic.
Additionally, the below services can be delivered in Australia and the South Pacific region, even during this particular period, by a team of very experienced marine professionals located and operating in the aforementioned area.


The services we provide range from ship inspections to ship recycling and include the following:
  • General and Condition Surveys for pre-purchase of ships
  • Ship surveys, inspections and vetting
  • Pre-inspection Service for Port State Control
  • Port State Control issues resolution
  • OCIMF Pre-vetting inspection
  • ISM & ISPS system training and implementation
  • ISM & ISPS audits
  • ISM/ISO in house training for Internal Auditors
  • Pollution Control Surveys and audits
  • Marine Superintendence. We exercise alertness and vigilance to ensure the necessary repair works on your ship are being properly executed
  • Repair contractor procurement
  • Repair Supervision and Commissioning
  • Underwater ship hull cleaning and inspection contractor procurement
  • Supervision of underwater hull cleaning and inspection ensuring compliance with owner and statutory requirements including the latest environmental regulations
  • Stakeholder communication
  • Assisting ship crew to comply with local authorities' requirements
  • Technical inspections and evaluations required by Marine Insurance companies and Clubs
  • IHM (Inventory of Hazardous Materials) Parts I, II and III development in exclusive co-operation with our partners, Blue Trident Solutions (https://www.bluetridentsolutions.com)  based in  Piraeus Greece.
  • IHM Maintenance
  • LNG technical and operational guidance and assistance


Who we are
Our company consists of specialists with considerable experience in the field of commercial shipping, who are in a position to carry out Audits / Studies, deliver Trainings on selected topics and provide Guidance with the purpose of offering assistance and support in achieving continuous compliance with international standards and quality optimization of services and human resources.
Our vision
To be the partner of choice in the area of internal audit and compliance services, that is supported by strong business relationships, based on trust and underpinned by the provision of high-quality services and impeccable standards.
Our mission
Succeed in satisfying our Customer needs, by ensuring highquality of services, achieved through constant specialization, and training, by being proactive, and by maintaining vigilance and situational awareness of maritime issues that may arise
from time to time.

Our services



Real Time Navigation Audit

360° Overseas has experience masters in conducting regular navigation audits on behalf of Clients. We can provide an independent overview of how a particular ship or ship-owner is performing against a recognized standard. Our consultants are regularly involved with fleet-wide navigation audits on behalf of Oil, Chemical and Gas vessels owners.
Navigational Audits comprise of TMSA Element 5 (Navigational Standards), TMSA Element 6 (Mooring Operations) and OCIMF SIRE VIQ Chapter 4. We make recommendations to improve these operations. Our team can assist Owners / Operators to prepare tailor made check list complying with their SMS or can use a comprehensive questionnaire / check list based upon Industry guidelines (Bridge Procedures Guidelines, CDI / SIRE VIQ and relevant elements of TMSA).
VDR Data Analysis – Remote Navigation Audits
Due to the restrictions arising from the COVID-19 outspread, we have observed that there is an increasing demand for conducting navigational audits remotely, using data extracted from VDR, in order for companies to comply with the requirements of TMSA element 5.4.1. (Comprehensive navigational audits to be conducted while on passage by a suitably qualified and experienced person).
The feedback received so far by TMSA inspectors for remote navigational audits we have already conducted in order for companies to keep up with their set audit schedule and to be in line with TMSA requirements, has been positive and encouraging. If you believe our service could be useful to you, we would be happy to discuss with you in detail the possible aspects of an upcoming cooperation. VDR ANALYSIS is an invaluable and efficient tool to prevent “Navigational incidents”. In spite of various advancements in technological tools, the importance of “Situational Awareness” and “Human Elements” in safe ship-board navigation is of paramount importance and remains the focus of various quality control checks through audit and inspections. 360° Overseas VDR Analysis audit service supported by a comprehensive analytics of VDR data captures actual performance of the bridge team covering all phases of Navigation and provides detailed information/report of Bridge Team complying with the companies Navigational procedures/practices and focuses on imbibing discipline within the Bridge team. We draft a complete VDR analysis report which is acceptable standard to any auditing authority including TMSA, OCIMF (Recommendations on the Proactive Use of Voyage Data Recorder Information– Edition 2020) etc.
Cargo & Ballast Audits
We perform an audit based on observation of the Cargo/Ballast operations and evaluate the On-board compliance against the relevant TMSA 3 requirements, VIQ7 standards, ISGOTT guidelines and the company’s SMS. The results are documented and based on the findings. We provide the necessary general recommendations and instructions.
Mooring Audits /Trainings / Campaigns
During this service, we perform an audit based on observation of mooring operations carried out on board and evaluate compliance against the TMSA 3 requirements, the VIQ7 standards and the OCIMF Mooring Equipment Guidelines (MEG 4). The results are documented and based on the findings. We provide the necessary general recommendations and instructions.
On-board Trainings
In On-board trainings we target our audience (ship’s crew) with live examples and case studies and eventually make up subject very simple to understand as well as interactive sessions to retain the core message. Our team has been commended for our distinct style of imparting training to On-board Multi nationality crew/officers of Maritime industry. We have specialized ourselves in public speaking which is the most effective and confident tool during On-board Trainings.
ISM / MLC / ILO Verification Audit
Our ship management consultants are able to undertake independent Maritime Labour Convention verification audits to determine the suitability and effectiveness of a vessel’s ISM/ ILO -MLC system. During the audit we will cover all aspects and we will ensure the interpretation and application of the ISM and ISPS Codes, ILO MLC 2006 Convention and generate a comprehensive report. Our goal is to deliver a review the MLC objectives as described in the shipґs Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance (DMLC) - Part II and assist the manager of the ship to maintain the required MLC standards. International Safety Management Code (ISM) standards interpretation and application can be verified and relevant comprehensive reports can be issued.
Port State Control Verification Audits
Our maritime consultants can perform a Port State Control Verification Audit aboard ships to help minimize the risk that a Port State Control (PSC) inspection could result in any deficiencies or even detentions. Our specialists will support you in the preparation for a PSC inspection, follow up on any corrective or preventive actions, and compose a report with recommended improvement and lessons learned. We can also attend on-board your detained vessel to:
  • Assist with training.
  • Effectively manage deficiency rectification.
  • Liaise with Port State officials.
ISPS Audits
With the growing threat of worldwide security risks and terrorism, it is essential that the crew knows the correct actions and security precautions. Our consultants are able to perform Internal ISPS Audits aboard vessels on behalf of a company or to provide pre-ISPS audits to ensure the correct implementations of the Ship’s Security Plan.
Port Captain / Cargo Superintendent
We provide Owners/Charterers a Full range of Port Captain/Cargo Superintendent services to assist Master in all facets of LNG cargo operations. Once appointed our Port Captain liaises closely with all parties to ensure pre-planning of the cargo operations and a professional load and/or discharge operation. During cargo operations we have our Port Captain in attendance on a 24/7 basis. This service is carried out in all regions.
Compatibility Studies
For vessels or terminals conducting non-routine operations, such as LNG STS, we can provide personnel to assist with the planning right through to operational completion. For terminals that wish to diversify their operations, 360° Overseas can conduct feasibility studies to determine suitability as well as steps required to achieve the desired objective.
360° Overseas staff are fully trained in the use of Optimoor Software and producing compatibility. Our in-house Compatibility Studies Department has the
ability to check the static or dynamic response of any type of inshore or offshore mooring to weather events producing clear results even for the most complex settings.

Pre-Purchase & Pre-Sale Vessel Inspections

We are assisting our Clients in the pre-purchase and pre-sale inspection of vessels which is one of the most important activities in the Purchase and Sale of a vessel. We conduct vessels Technical Condition Assessments for Owners, Banks, Investors and various third parties. Our experienced auditors are able to perform / advise anywhere in the world a conditional survey to Owners and Operators as part
of 360° Overseas due diligence capabilities.
Incident Investigation
Our investigation team consists of highly trained and qualified Master Mariners, Naval Architects & Marine Engineers. Our team investigates marine incidents of any magnitude in order to determine their circumstances and contributory causes, as well as to draw lessons to be learned. The root causes of the incident are identified and recommendations are made regarding the necessary improvements to a Company’s Management System in order to avoid reoccurrence of similar events.
TMSA Audits / GAP Analysis
We review the SMS procedure and organizational culture of the Company, list out the gap, redesign and develop the current SMS for the additional procedures to make the SMS more effective to fulfil the gap. Our team has personally attended many Oil Major vetting and were also involved in preparing the organizations for the Tanker Management Self-Assessment (TMSA). Our company assists in performing TMSA and Gap analysis as well in order to find areas for improvements that helps Shipping Companies to achieve higher stages in the TMSA.
Manning Agent Audits
Our company can assist as a third-party auditor to audit manning agency’s in accordance with TMSA, ISO, ISM code and to the principal’s own requirements. Our auditors perform audits on behalf of ship operators, in order to audit the quality of the manning agents and to fulfill TMSA requirements.
Aristoteli Valaoriti 31, Mesa Geitonia Limassol Cyprus, 4003
+357 99 303258





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