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Why is an interview scary? We tell you how to deal with basic fears.
An interviewis a necessary procedure, part of the business process and a source of stress for many people, especially if it is conducted in a foreign language.
You can often hear: "I was nervous and talked a lot of nonsense", "I forgot some simple words because of anxiety", etc.
Maritime Medical Examination in Georgia without a Queue. Special Conditions for Seafarers from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.

25 years of experience, P&I Club certificates, yellow fever vaccination, special offers for seafarers from other countries: transfer service, accommodation search, discounts on certificates in partner training centers, employment assistance through Georgian crewing companies.

Scammers never sleep. Be careful!

Friends, we are getting informed about cases of fraud against seafarers. Therefore, we decided to create a page on which we will write details of fraudulent schemes, names and telephone numbers.

CONFLICTS. Why Do They Happen and What Can They Teach Me?
Each of us has once faced, been a participant, onlooker or instigator of conflict. What actually happens when emotions overshadow common sense, and it is almost impossible to manage a process that was completely manageable just a second ago?

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Кадровий голод: нестача офіцерів у світі досягла свого максимуму. Кого шукають українські крюїнги?
Why is an interview scary? We tell you how to deal with basic fears.
Scammers never sleep. Be careful!
How to Protect Yourself While Looking for a Job
CONFLICTS. Why Do They Happen and What Can They Teach Me?
For Cadets. Preparing for a Job Interview in English.
Customs peculiarities of Egypt
Customs peculiarities of South Korea
U.S.A. Customs Peculiarities
Customs peculiarities of the State of Singapore
Vacant position of Senior Fleet Personnel Manager at Uniteam Marine Limited
Maritime Medical Examination in Georgia without a Queue. Special Conditions for Seafarers from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.
English for Seafarers – Secrets of Rapid Language Learning.
Communication on the Voyage in Numbers: How Much do Seafarers Spend on the Internet and How to Reduce Costs?
Information, Manning and Employing of Seafarers - All Now is Available for Crewing Companies in One Service
International Maritime Forum - Nothing But the Truth
Danaos Corporation Acquires 6 Wide Eco-Design Container Ships
How to Check Technical Characteristics of Vessel?
A Legal and Safe Way of Crossing the Border With the Salary in Cash.
Telemedicine for Ship's Crew: Contact With Doctor From Anywhere in the World
Unpretentious Dual Fuel Engine. Eco-Friendly Progress is Real.
The Way of Getting Seafarer Loan: Analysis of Ukrainian Banks
BOSIET Courses. You Learn Better When Lightly Stressed
OFFSHORE - 2020: Expectations vs. Reality
Electronic marine documents in details. Main steps to issue an electronic signature
Where to Get Tested for Covid-19?
Is There Real Life in Spite of the Quarantine? Check the Most Popular Online Marine Courses.
Pandemic Changes in Approaches to Marine Documents and Training. How Should a Seafarer React?
Green tariff plan for your own solar power plant to earn you money while you're at sea.
Advertising in Ukraine. Lawyer Comments on What Language is Preferable to Post Information in Media.
The Influence of Residence Country on the Seaman’s Wage Level. Benchmarking Analysis From Drewry Shipping.
New Аraud Scheme is Вetected! Details Inside.
Sports Inside the Cabin. Burning Fat & Building Muscles: Is it Real?
Annual Health Care Programs for Seafarers
Phychologist Gives Recommendations How to Avoid Conflicts on Board
Does Every Particular Web-Resourse Use to Protect Your Personal Data?
Морской английский. Большой опыт преподавания.
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