Trans V.Shipping St. Petersburg
1520160113Issued by:
Federal Migration Service of the Russian FederationIssued on:
All crewing of the city of Saint Petersburg on the map
Company detailed:
The procedure for filling in application form:
* in English by CAPITALS
*the spelling of the name and surname must coincide with the spelling in the seaman's passport, please note that your surname in all your documents must be written IDENTICALLY letter to letter
*address must include zip code
*only children under 18 years are shown in the application form
*the next of kin column for single people is mandatory
*endorcement - put a cross in the appropriate box, if you have permission to work on tankers of the appropriate types
*health certificate - dash if the certificate does not have a number. Dates of the the passage of the last Russian medical Commission and its termination - valid for 1 year
*the height and weight in the appropriate graphs
*the standard Russian sizes of working uniform and shoes that you wear
*flag documents - only valid documents
*other documents - all documents not mentioned above are listed here. For example: welder diploma, programmer diploma, pilot diploma, etc. this column can be extended as much as required
Columns of the Sea Service table:
Last vessel name/and previous if it was changed during the contract/
It is preferable to specify the operator of the vessel whom you communicated with before and during the contract, as the shipowner can be virtual
The flag of the vessel
Gross registered tonnage
Type of main engine - full name do not shorten it
Main engine power - not kilowatts but horsepower
Position on Board
Date of arrival on the vessel or date of signing the contract (day, month, year)
Date of leaving the vessel (day, month, year)
If you have worked on the same ship for several contracts each joining and leaving must be entered in a separate line.
Captains, Chief officers, Chief Engineers, Second Engineers are required to provide an entire list of working experience for the last 10 years.
The rest of the officers and ratings - for the last 5 years. However you can mention your 10-years experience if it proves you took different positions on ship within the specified period, such as the engineer and the sailor, the ship's doctor and cook, etc.
specify the data of the shipowner
data of your crewing agents for the last 5 contracts in Russia or abroad, if you worked directly, the contact person and his phone numbers , or the official with whom you signed the contract, must be duly specified.